Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chicken Market Update- Week of 2/13

Market Update

· I’m starting to believe there is very little credibility in the poultry market. It’s hard to understand what it actually happening these days, when information is slanted, availability is shaded and information is outright withheld or exaggerated. But one thing is clear, over production is still the issue. When this is the case, production availability is usually guarded or sheltered until the selling heats up. So usually the buyer doesn’t know if there is excessive inventories or minimal inventories. I think this leads to the volatility, because the buyers never get a straight answer. It’s dog eat dog.

· Breast meat seems to be better this week than last…… But crap, that could change tomorrow, because someone could release a bunch of product they were waiting to sell and trying to seem like they were sold out. That’s how this game seems to be playing out, not showing all the cards. This brings much confusion and unpredictability, but it does seem breast meat and tenders have leveled out (for now).

· Wings are still fairly steady, but would expect some discounting soon.

· Dark meat seems very steady, other than drumsticks.

· Thigh meat seems steady with freezer stock still limited.

· Overall a better tone, but no light at the end of the tunnel…yet.